WWE Payback: 'House of Horrors' match insults everyone's intelligence

Sunday night's "House of Horrors" match between Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton took what was shaping up to be a decent Payback show and flushed it right down the toilet. It's not hyperbole to say the "match" killed the rest of the show and set new standards for stupidity in a sport that regularly insults the audience's intelligence.
Back story: At WrestleMania 33, Randy Orton won the WWE World title from Bray Wyatt, in a match where Bray "played mind games" by having bugs and worms projected onto the ring to distract Orton. It didn't work; Orton won the title anyway in a terrible match. 
Bray was then drafted to "Raw" in the "Superstar Shake-Up" (which didn't really shake up much) and, for reasons never adequately explained, the two men were signed to a non-title rematch for Payback in a "House of Horrors" match, even though Orton is a "SmackDown" wrestler.
The rules/setup for the match were never explained until the show, when it was revealed the two would start in a house somewhere in California and then somehow finish the match in the ring. What we got was a pre-taped segment shot like a Z-grade horror movie, like a "Saw" sequel that never made it past initial rehearsals.
Wyatt and Orton had a "fight" in a house that was apparently haunted and decorated with assorted effigies and dolls hanging from the ceiling. The fight consisted mostly of Wyatt appearing out of nowhere after scary jump cuts, getting a few shots in, and then disappearing again while Orton wandered around the house, looking like he was wondering where his career went wrong.


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